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Electrical engineering
Electrical engineering, Electrical-engineering, Electricalengineering, Electronics, electronics technician, electronics-technician, electronicstechnician, Microelectronics, Electro, Microsystem, Service technicians, Service-technicians, Servicetechnicians, service technicians, service-technicians, servicetechnicians, Measurement technicians, Measurement-technicians, Measurementtechnicians, measurement technology, measurement-technology, measurementtechnology, Electroplan, ELCAD, CAE, EPlan, Ruplan, Circuitdiagram, Circuit, electrical engineer, electrical-engineer, electricalengineer, Energytechnology, Semiconductor, Hardware, VHDL, FPGA, PCB, EMV, Verilog, Wafer, Silicon, C, C ++, C-++, C++, embedded, photovoltaics, information technology, information-technology, and informationtechnology
- 35 Elektrotechnik Jobs or Internships in Dresden
- 25 Elektrotechnik Jobs in Dresden
- 11 Elektrotechnik Jobs or Internships in Leipzig
- 10 Elektrotechnik Jobs in Leipzig
- 10 Elektrotechnik Trainings in Dresden
- 7 Elektrotechnik Apprenticeships in Dresden
- 7 Elektrotechnik Degrees in Dresden
- 7 Elektrotechnik Internships in Dresden
- 5 Elektrotechnik Working students in Dresden
- 4 Elektrotechnik Jobs or Internships in Berlin
- 3 Elektrotechnik Jobs in Berlin
- 2 Elektrotechnik Jobs or Internships in Chemnitz
Measurement, GOM, MGCplus, Electrical engineering, Electrical-engineering, Electricalengineering, Calibration technician, Calibration-technician, Calibrationtechnician, test engineer, test-engineer, testengineer, validation specialist, validation-specialist, validationspecialist, process engineer, process-engineer, processengineer, Laser interferometry, Laser-interferometry, Laserinterferometry, spectroscopy, image processing, image-processing, imageprocessing, test benches, test-benches, testbenches, coordinate measuring machines, coordinate-measuring-machines, coordinatemeasuringmachines, measurement data acquisition systems, measurement-data-acquisition-systems, measurementdataacquisitionsystems, test software, test-software, testsoftware, sensor technology, sensor-technology, sensortechnology, data evaluation software, data-evaluation-software, dataevaluationsoftware, optical measurement systems, optical-measurement-systems, and opticalmeasurementsystems
- 28 Messtechnik Jobs or Internships in Dresden
- 19 Messtechnik Jobs in Dresden
- 9 Messtechnik Trainings in Dresden
- 8 Messtechnik Apprenticeships in Dresden
- 6 Messtechnik Working students in Dresden
- 5 Messtechnik Jobs or Internships in Leipzig
- 5 Messtechnik Internships in Dresden
- 4 Messtechnik Jobs in Leipzig
- 3 Messtechnik Jobs or Internships in Berlin
- 3 Messtechnik Degrees in Dresden
- 2 Messtechnik Jobs in Berlin
Semiconductor, Photomask, IC, integrated circuits, integrated-circuits, integratedcircuits, integrated circuit fabrication, integrated-circuit-fabrication, integratedcircuitfabrication, silicon, wafer, SPIE, SEMATECH, mask industry, mask-industry, maskindustry, mask inspection, mask-inspection, maskinspection, nanochannel glass, nanochannel-glass, nanochannelglass, SMIF interface, SMIF-interface, SMIFinterface, laser mask writer, laser-mask-writer, lasermaskwriter, VPG, VLSI, phase-shifting, altering-aperture phase-shifting, altering-aperture-phase-shifting, altering-aperturephase-shifting, immersion lithography, immersion-lithography, immersionlithography, hyper-NA, EUV, MEFF, scattering, pellicle, thin film, thin-film, thinfilm, nitrocellulose, silver halide, silver-halide, silverhalide, soda glass, soda-glass, sodaglass, borosilicate, quartz, chromium, plotter, master plate, master-plate, masterplate, fused silica plate, fused-silica-plate, fusedsilicaplate, stepper, scanner, multi-patterning, photoreticle, photomask, photolithography, rubylith, mylar, mask set, mask-set, maskset, optical pattern generator, optical-pattern-generator, opticalpatterngenerator, step-and-repeat camera, step-and-repeat-camera, step-and-repeatcamera, mutiple-IC mask, mutiple-IC-mask, mutiple-ICmask, reticles, electron beam lithography, electron-beam-lithography, electronbeamlithography, laser lithography, laser-lithography, laserlithography, contact aligner, contact-aligner, contactaligner, and photoresist
- 39 Halbleiter Jobs or Internships in Dresden
- 28 Halbleiter Jobs in Dresden
- 11 Halbleiter Trainings in Dresden
- 10 Halbleiter Jobs or Internships in Leipzig
- 9 Halbleiter Jobs in Leipzig
- 9 Halbleiter Apprenticeships in Dresden
- 9 Halbleiter Working students in Dresden
- 6 Halbleiter Internships in Dresden
- 5 Halbleiter Degrees in Dresden
- 4 Halbleiter Jobs or Internships in Berlin
- 3 Halbleiter Jobs in Berlin
- 2 Halbleiter Jobs or Internships in Chemnitz
mechatronics, machinetoolbuilding, apparatusengineering, toolconstruction, machinetool, mechanics, finemechanics, electromechanics, adaptorics, precisionmechanics, mechatronicsengineer, toolmaker, industrialmechanic, mechanic, apperatusengineer, sensor, actuator, electrical engineer, electrical-engineer, electricalengineer, informatics, Mechanical Engineering, Mechanical-Engineering, and Mechanicalengineering
- 23 Mechatronik Jobs or Internships in Dresden
- 16 Mechatronik Jobs in Dresden
- 14 Mechatronik Jobs or Internships in Leipzig
- 13 Mechatronik Jobs in Leipzig
- 7 Mechatronik Trainings in Dresden
- 6 Mechatronik Jobs or Internships in Berlin
- 6 Mechatronik Apprenticeships in Dresden
- 5 Mechatronik Jobs in Berlin
- 4 Mechatronik Jobs or Internships in Chemnitz
- 4 Mechatronik Working students in Dresden
- 4 Mechatronik Internships in Dresden
- 2 Mechatronik Jobs in Chemnitz
- 2 Mechatronik Trainings in Chemnitz
- 2 Mechatronik Apprenticeships in Chemnitz
- 2 Mechatronik Degrees in Dresden
Machineengineering, Mechanicalengineer, Mechanicalengineering, Mechanics, Specialpurposemachine, Specialpurposemechanic, Fixtureconstruction, Fixture, special engineering, special-engineering, specialengineering, Floorplan, Floorplanning, Floorplaner, KOVP, BOB, Systemsplanning, Systemsplan, Systemsplaner, and Maintenance
- 11 Maschinenbau Jobs in Leipzig
- 11 Maschinenbau Jobs or Internships in Leipzig
- 8 Maschinenbau Jobs or Internships in Dresden
- 7 Maschinenbau Jobs in Dresden
- 3 Maschinenbau Apprenticeships in Dresden
- 2 Maschinenbau Jobs in Berlin
- 2 Maschinenbau Jobs or Internships in Berlin
- 2 Maschinenbau Jobs or Internships in Chemnitz
- 2 Maschinenbau Trainings in Chemnitz
- 2 Maschinenbau Apprenticeships in Chemnitz
informatics, computerscientist, computerscience, informationtechnology, Businessinformatics, Informationsystems, CommercialInformatics, Mediainformatics, mediainformatician, Bioinformatics, Computationallifescience, Hardware, Software, and Firmware
- 25 Informatik Jobs or Internships in Dresden
- 15 Informatik Jobs or Internships in Leipzig
- 15 Informatik Jobs in Dresden
- 14 Informatik Jobs in Leipzig
- 10 Informatik Trainings in Dresden
- 10 Informatik Working students in Dresden
- 10 Informatik Internships in Dresden
- 9 Informatik Apprenticeships in Dresden
- 9 Informatik Degrees in Dresden
- 7 Informatik Jobs or Internships in Berlin
- 6 Informatik Jobs in Berlin
- 2 Informatik Jobs or Internships in Chemnitz
Automation-Engineering, Automation, Automation-Engineer, Automation-Technican, Robottechnology, Robotics, Robot, MSR, Productiont-echnology, Processtechnology, Process control, Process-control, Processcontrol, Control engineering, Control-engineering, Controlengineering, electrical engineering, electrical-engineering, and electricalengineering
Maintenance, Customersevice, Installation, Commissioning, Assembly, Repair, Acceptance, RampupService, Lineintegration, Refurbishment, Machinefailure, Spareparts, Maintainer, Installer, Mechanic, Machinemaintenanceworker, Servicemechanic, Maintenancemechanic, Electrician, Machinedowntime, Machinechange, Turnaround, and Turnaroundmanagement
Plant manager
Plant manager, Plant-manager, Plantmanager, shift manager, shift-manager, shiftmanager, site manager, site-manager, sitemanager, manager, branch manager, branch-manager, and branchmanager
Automotive engineer
Automotive engineer, Automotive-engineer, Automotiveengineer, Automotive Industries, Automotive-Industries, Automotiveindustries, Automotive Supplier, Automotive-Supplier, Automotivesupplier, Vehicle Industries, Vehicle-Industries, Vehicleindustries, Automobile, Vehicle, Automotive, Car, Development by SPICE, Development-by-SPICE, Developmentbyspice, CAN-Bus, MOST-Bus, Automotive Ethernet, Automotive-Ethernet, Automotiveethernet, Engine, Enginetechnology, Automotive Engineering, Automotive-Engineering, Automotiveengineering, Aircraft construction, Aircraft-construction, Aircraftconstruction, Motor vehicle construction, Motor-vehicle-construction, and Motorvehicleconstruction
Machineoperation, Machineusage, machine operator, machine-operator, machineoperator, plant operator, plant-operator, plantoperator, Operator, Worker, Technican, User, and Driver
- 7 Maschinenführung Jobs in Dresden
- 7 Maschinenführung Jobs or Internships in Dresden
- 4 Maschinenführung Jobs in Leipzig
- 4 Maschinenführung Jobs or Internships in Leipzig
- 2 Maschinenführung Jobs in Berlin
- 2 Maschinenführung Jobs or Internships in Berlin
- 2 Maschinenführung Apprenticeships in Chemnitz
- 2 Maschinenführung Apprenticeships in Dresden
embeddedprogramminglanguage, embedded, system programming, system-programming, systemprogramming, C++, C/C++, Cplus, C+, Cplusplus, C, Fortran, Qt, Assembler, C++17, Omron, SPC, VBA, VS Basic, VS-Basic, VSbasic, and WinCC
CAD, AutoCAD, CAM, EPLAN, ELCAD, Inventor, CATIA, Moldtech, Pro/Engineer, Rohr2, Unigrafix, SolidWorks, PDS, PDMS, Tebis, Construction software, Construction-software, Constructionsoftware, ProEngineer, One Space Designer, One-Space-Designer, Onespacedesigner, Unigraphices, Designengineer, Architect, Systemsdesigner, Construction, Construtionplan, Circuitplan, Constructionplan, and Drawings
plant mechanic
plant mechanical profession, plant-mechanical-profession, plantmechanicalprofession, sanitary engineering, sanitary-engineering, sanitaryengineering, plant mechanic, plant-mechanic, plantmechanic, sanitary engineer, sanitary-engineer, sanitaryengineer, installation, and assembly
Industrialengineer, Productionengineer, Salesengineer, Productengineer, and Serviceengineer
Draftsman, technical draftsman, technical-draftsman, technicaldraftsman, technical drawing, technical-drawing, and technicaldrawing